Raison sociale : SOS Croquettes d’Espoir
Association loi 1901 à but non lucratif
Registered office 5 route d’Anet
28260 Sorel-Moussel
Centre-Val de Loire – France Métropolitaine
phone : 06 73 31 61 78 / 06 50 04 26 57
E-mail : president@soscroquettesespoir.org
RNA : W283002798 préfecture de CHARTRES
General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD)
The personal data provided by the member are strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties on the site www.soscroquettesespoir.org ainsiare processed according to secure protocols that will be managed by the association. The visitor or member may contacter SOS Croquettes d’Espoir for any information or exercise of your rights regarding their processing of personal data. you can contacter SOS Croquettes d’Espoir to have our files rectified, deleted.
use of cookies
Cookies are important for the proper functioning of the website (see COOKIES at the bottom of the page or on the CGU).
Copyright and Intellectual Property
the association SOS Croquettes d’Espoir has the right to continue any copy, complete or partial reproduction of the site soscroquettesespoir.org. It cannot be distributed on other platforms or be denatured, modified or loaded without the consent of the owner. The information collected on the site can be done for press needs, in the form of advertisingto assist the association and subject to a written agreement signed on the image of the association by the Co President(e). All the container of the site is the property of the association SOS croquettes d’Espoir.
L’association SOS Croquettes d’Espoir has no guarantee regarding the updating of its content. The owner makes every effort to keep the information on his website up-to-date and accurate.
The owner agrees not to transmit any informationand nor disclose the information of the members which may lead to civil liability or criminal on soscroquettesespoir.org
The information provided on the site is purely informative and the association cannot be held responsible.
The association is under French and/or European jurisdiction. It could not be attacked outside of these.
Raison sociale : Strato AG
Société Anonyme
registered office: Pascalstraße 10, 10587 Berlin, Allemagne
Trade Register: Berlin Charlottenburg HRB 79450
N° of TVA intracommunautaire : DE 211 045 709